What you are about to read is very upsetting and shocking. We believe it is important to reveal this hidden practice. Undoubtedly, the most disgusting practice the world has ever known is the technique of mind control. We are not talking about the subliminal mind manipulation that we are exposed to on a daily basis. We are talking about a practice that began with the mysterious religion of ancient Egypt. It evolved from there and was practiced in ancient Babylon. One of the most disgusting people in life has taken it to a whole new level in modern times. We are talking about the evil Nazi scientist Josef Mengele. .

Former CIA head Allen Dulles adopted this practice, which continues today in many US military agencies. Mind control is also known as satanic panic abuse and near-death torture. The purpose is to break the mind of the tortured individual and cause an MPD or multiple personality disorder. Since the mind cannot cope with the abuse suffered by the victim, the brain blocks it and creates a wall of memory loss. These empty parts of the brain are currently being formed within the victim that programming begins. Victims are then sent to perform horrific tasks that they would not normally do, such as prostitution, assassination, and programming other mind control victims.

The phrase "satanic ritual abuse" first appeared in the mid-1980s and described the disclosure of some children in child protection cases and some adults in psychotherapy. In the early 1980s, increasing public awareness of reporting and child abuse in the United States, United Kingdom, and other developed countries led to exponential child protection research. In several investigations, children found systematic and ceremonial sexual abuse by parents and guardians.

These disclosures included descriptions of demonic cults, rituals, and sexual abuse related to using demonic symbols that the media and some experts call "demonic ceremonial abuse."  Clinicians, psychotherapists, and social workers have documented patients describing their SRA history and produced a series of literature on the treatment of ceremonially abused patients. In the 1980s, much of the focus on dissociative disorders emerged, including children and adults suspected of being ceremonial abuse.

They also showed high levels of stress and trauma-related symptoms. Some of these patients showed high levels of dissociation, and some were diagnosed with dissociative identity disorder (DID). Damage caused by SRA (Satanic Ritual Abuse) is not an isolated and corrupt activity of an individual with a mental or social illness. Instead, the victims are part of a widespread, almost omnipotent, multi-generational demonic plot involving thousands and millions of people.

Many of these people are at the top of society, government, law enforcement, religion, and even psychiatric institutions. I've heard stories of SRA blaming famous missionaries, police chiefs, FBI agents, emperors, CIA leaders, UN member states, millionaires, philanthropists, ministers, teachers, principals, psychiatrists, and more. I have.

The plan is to create a mind-controlled working-class society that has long existed. Current technology arose from experiments initiated by the Nazis before World War II and enhanced during the Nazi concentration camps where an unlimited supply of children and adults was available for experiments. .. I've heard of inhumane medical experiments conducted on inmates in internment camps, but media and television documentaries make no mention of mind control experiments. This should not be revealed to the American people. Mind control technology can be broadly divided into trauma-based and electronic-based.

The first stage of national mind control development stems from ancient occult technology that required victims to be exposed to extensive psychological and physical trauma to divide the mind into the personalities of another thousand. I did. To perform a function (or job) that the programmer wants to "install."

Each modified personality created is separate from the front personality. The "front personality" is unaware of the existence or activity of other personalities. Other personalities can be surfaced by the programmer or handler using unique code. Victims of mind control can also be affected by specific sounds, words, or actions called triggers.

The second phase of mind control development was refined at the underground base under Montauk's Fort Hero. In Long Island (New York), it's called the Montauk Project. Early boy victims of Montauk-style programming, known as the Montauk Boys, were programmed using trauma-based technology. Still, this method was eventually abandoned and could be "installed" in days. The process has been adopted. Over the years (or hours), it took to complete the traumatic method.
